World War II Still On Patrol
Coming in 2025
There were 374 officers and 3,131 enlisted men of the US Navy Submarine Force who made the Supreme Sacrifice to win World War II. These men were on 52 submarines that were lost (enemy action and other causes) during World War II. The Supreme Sacrifice Reports are in the process of being finalized for publication and purchase. To search for a person, type a name in the search box.
Albacore (SS 218)
Amberjack (SS 219)
Argonaut (SS 166)
Barbel (SS 316)
Bonefish (SS 223)
Bullhead (SS 332)
Capelin (SS 289)
Cisco (SS 290)
Corvina (SS 226)
Darter (SS 227)
Dorado (SS 248)
Escolar (SS 294)
Flier (SS 250)
Golet (SS 361)
Grampus (SS 207)
Grayback (SS 208)
Grayling (SS 209)
Grenadier (SS 210)
Growler (SS 215)
Grunion (SS 216)
Gudgeon (SS 211)
Harder (SS 257)
Herring (SS 233)
Kete (SS 369)
Lagarto (SS 371)
Perch (SS 176)
Pickerel (SS 177)
Pompano (SS 181)
Robalo (SS 273)
Runner (SS 275)
R-12 (SS 89)
Scamp (SS 277)
Scorpion (SS 278)
Sculpin (SS 191)
Sealion (SS 195)
Seawolf (SS 197)
Shark I (SS 174)
Shark II (SS 314)
Snook (SS 279)
Swordfish (SS 193)
S-26 (SS 131)
S-27 (SS 132)
S-28 (SS 132)
S-36 (SS 141)
S-39 (SS 144)
S-44 (SS 149)
Tang (SS 306)
Trigger (SS 237)
Triton (SS 201)
Trout (SS 202)
Tullibee (SS 284)
Wahoo (SS 238)